Preparation and Surgery


Post-anaesthesia, six 3mm micro cuts are made in the patient's abdomen, and Da Vinci robot arms are connected via ports. Dr. Ramani controls the surgery from a console, typically taking one hour for a radical prostatectomy, which is nearly bloodless.

Post-Surgery Procedures


A urine catheter and a tiny drain pipe are inserted, with the patient kept nil-by-mouth on the surgery day and IV fluids administered. Sips of water are introduced the next day, with solid food by day three.

Hospital Stay


The patient remains in the hospital for 5 nights, including the night before the surgery. The drain pipe is removed on day three post-surgery while still in the hospital.

Discharge Protocol


· The patient is discharged with the urine catheter, which is removed exactly 10 days after the surgery at the patient’s home.

Post-Discharge Care


A doctor from the surgical team visits the patient daily at their home or hotel. The same doctor removes the urine catheter 10 days post-surgery.